Hello everyone, I’m Anthony De Wolf and I will post you every week some new interesting examples about marketing and advertising. I will start with a blog about sponsoring cycling, the advantages and disadvantages. 

This week, I was one of the thousand spectators at the start of the “Omloop het Nieuwsblad” at the St. Peter’s Square in Ghent. My first reaction was: cycling is a real hype here in Belgium, so each time, it’s a great event to advertise! It was the first big race here in Europe this season, so it was very important for the new sponsors to make a lot of publicity. Every cycling team is trying to promote themselves by their entourage. Status is very important in cycling, so every team would like to show their best materials (bikes, team busses, riders,...). Those intentions of the teams were very clear when you looked around.

Also the organizing sponsor did their best to make a lot of advertising. They distributed a lot of gadgets. So there were “Flandrien”-sausages , newspapers and a lot of other gadgets. There were also a lot of games where you could win prizes. With those games, the interaction with the sponsor was guaranteed and people were introduced to the brand and its products. Sponsoring has a very good return in Belgium because of its popularity.

Unfortunately, cycling is not always a good way to do sponsoring. When your team has to deal with scandals such as doping or just poor performance of the riders, the company will naturally get bad publicity. In the past there have been many sponsors dropped out because of that reason. 

So, this was my first blog and I hope you will be curious so you will come back next week and read my second blog.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!


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