Hello everybody, here I am again with a new marketing blog! This week, I’ll talk about a change in the marketing of various companies. Who thought that the environment and climate were a good way to advertise your company well.

It's been a long time coming but now it starts to come up to the market, the fight against the false green companies. These companies will now have to make an effort for the environment or the consequences can be very serious for them. A number of organizations like TerraChoise Group, GreenPeace and Greenwashing Index, have started to vet companies that advertise their green efforts. These organizations make their results publicly known. The implications of these results for some companies sometimes severe, is the kiss of death. The end of “green washing” is near.

Nowadays we can see a difference in marketing in the field of advertising by companies about their green efforts. Companies have become much more careful with their statements about their "green" efforts that they delivered. On the other hand, we also see that companies that are actually environmentally friendly, just publish more about it. More and more companies are discovering that it’s better to approach those issues honestly and make real efforts than to fool the public.

So dear readers, let this be a lesson or warning for those business managers and marketers. I hope that with this blog I can get the interest of you readers and that you join me in looking forward to my next blog, which will soon be published.


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