Who thought that being weird and unrealistic would become the new marketing trend?

Today, things are getting more and more weird in the advertising world. If you're no longer crazy or unrealistic, you'll disappear in commercials. Somehow the shock of someone being surprisingly weird has turned comical. I think, in the next five years, we will see almost only of these ads in on the screen.

I believe that some advertising agencies no longer find real tactics, so they throw it on a completely different tack. If you’re able of doing crazy things, you’ll have a bigger inspiration. Let's hope that this will also provide advertising tactics. Attracting attention will be no problem, I think, but will it therefore sell more... The future will tell. Some companies even go that far, that they start to scare the consumers. Sometimes they create fuss just for the commercials to obtain the attention of the consumers...

The problem is that the big marketing advertisers have made these crazy commercials, so the smaller advertisers will have follow in their footsteps. Thanks to this theory we can therefore assume that we're stuck with this for several years. Hold on tight to the branches of the trees, because there’s still a lot that will follow. Who knows what crazy people or unrealistic moments we will see when we watch television.

In fairness I must admit that I can’t find myself in this type of ‘commercials’. It can be sometimes very funny and certainly attracts a lot of attention indeed, but on the other hand it’s going beyond boundaries.  

In this blog, we have seen (again) a change in the marketing world, watch out for the next change…


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