Before I start my blog I should say you something. This is unfortunately my last blog.. But at the end of my blog follow extensive acknowledgments!

Today I’m going to talk about in-game advertising. I’m sure a lot off you has seen these, knowingly or unknowingly. The earliest ‘real’ in-game advertisement dates from 1991, when a spot for Penguin Biscuits was shown in ‘James Pond 2’.
Today, in-game advertising can integrate either trough a display in the game or during the pause while a gaming is loading. Unfortunately, you don’t see the last one very often.

A big advantage of in-game advertising, is the fact that people will eventually see your commercial or billboard. Normally you aren’t texting while playing a game, you the chance of missing it is small.

Until today, more than $ 1 billion has been spend on in-game advertising. I’m sure that in the future, this will only increase. People already can fast forward commercials, so companies will search for other ways to promote their product. 
Static or Dynamic

The static advertisements are fixed integrated in the game, like you can see on the picture. Negative about this, is the fact that the creature can’t change anything about it once the game is set for sale 
The second one is dynamic. You’ll mostly find this kind of advertisements in online games, because they will often change.

So I think online gaming will be the best way to promote your product as a future marketer. So remember this good!

Now I would like to start my acknowledgments..

I want each of you to thank personally for these wonderful eight weeks! You were so great by week after week to read my blogs and comment them! I hope in the future, that I can visit your own blog! Until then, dear marketers!


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