The newest concept in the marketing world is called ‘Virgin Consumers’. The non-stop flows of new products, services, apps and experiences as well as new brands ensure that almost everyone is now a ‘Virgin Consumer’. 

According to we can see to parts of the ‘Virgin Consumers’.
First let’s explain the one side of the Virgin Consumers. They are Eager Virgins. The amount of consumers that is searching new brands and experiences in this world is booming. The time that brands could just use the word ‘new’ as a marketing trick is long gone. Instead new products and services of new companies are doing well. Why? Because they are more surprising, more convenient and just better than existing alternatives. All this leads to the fact that consumers are convinced that ‘new’ will help them to improve various aspects of their lives.

While Virgin Consumers may be new to a product, brand or sector, this doesn’t mean that they are naïve. Contrary, because they have been in the consumer society for so long, they are driven consumers that know what they are searching for. They can be seen as Experienced Virgins.

For brands that want to seduce the Virgin Consumers there are three main rules to follow:
  1. Keep it simple
       Make a product that fits in to the current lifestyle of your consumer and don’t make yet another variant     
       on an already existing product.

2.    Explain your brand
       Make a marketing campaign that answers foundational questions: Who are you? What makes you   
       different? What does your brand say about consumers who choose it?

3.    Don’t ask for commitment
       The current consumers like to rent or lease a product rather than place a permanent order. You should      
       keep that in mind.

So this was my blog post for this week, hope you enjoyed it!

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