I admit! I hate commercials on the television and still I want to be a marketer. Weird? I don’t think so, too me a marketer is someone that can think and act outside the box. That’s why I’m a big fan of the new marketing trend that’s called interactive advertising and more specific interactive billboards.

We all see many billboards while driving to work or going to school. But we almost never remember any of them when we reach our destination. Some clever marketers have a solution to this problem. They want to surprise passers-by and make them a part of their ad. This has a double effect. First of all customers are surprised and they will remember the billboard much longer. Secondly they will create a bound with the brand and will be more likely to buy it in the future.

A nice example of a marketing campaign that includes this is the IBM campaign. They have created a billboard that adapts itself to the colour of the clothes the viewer is wearing. With this billboard IBM wants to demonstrate that a smarter supply chain that can adapt itself better is important, e.g.: in the fashion industry. They want to give every customer a different experience.

Another amazing billboard is this one below of Cadbury Eggs. Everyone that uses the buss sometimes knows how annoying it is to wait. Cadbury wanted to change this bad experience into a fun time for the consumers. By creating a game in their billboard, people get entertained and get a better feeling towards the brand.

I hope that these billboards will be used sooner than later in Belgium. But for the moment, I’m still annoyed while waiting at the buss stop. So I hope that the Belgian brands get to this kind of advertising as soon as possible!


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