After the IMac, IPod, IPad, IPhone and Itunes, Apple has now come up with a new way to advertise, the IAds.

So what is IAd? It’s a mobile advertising platform for the Ipad, Iphone, Ipod Touch line of mobile devices. It allows third-party developers to immediately embed advertisements into their applications.

One of the advantages for companies is that they can reach millions of IPhone, IPad and Ipod Touch users around the world, when those are using their favorite apps. Apple gives companies some facts to convince them of the IAds.
First of all the IAudience has installed over 15 billion applications and purchased over 315 million iOS devices. So obviously you can reach a big audience.
Apple makes sure that the IAds are only shown to an audience that the company wants to reach. And they only show the IAds on the apps that their customers love and use the most.

IAd can captivate the audience of a company cause it combines the storytelling of TV with the engagement and utility of digital. Companies can create IAds that are shown to customers, wherever they are. Apple uses the IAd logo as a quality sign; this way customers know that the brand meets certain expectations.

By using iOS, the IAds can incorporate a variety of interactive experiences in the advertisements.  For example by using the location settings, companies can show the closest store to customers, they can use social media, give digital coupons and so on.

Apple offers the users of IAd also other advantages. When we look at the metrics that they provide, the range is really brought. It goes far beyond the standard measurements of exposures and clicks. Companies get to see how much time the average customer spends on their IAd, how many times their IAd was viewed. But also the course of the campaign…

For larger campaigns it’s even possible to get insights into user engagement, performance and cetera on the overall network results.
So IAd, gives companies a whole new opportunity to advertise.

This was it for this week!


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