Hi everyone!

Today I have an amazing website for the creative readers! It’s called 
It’s a website that gives creative people the opportunity to fund their dream project.

So is a platform for filmmakers, game designers and musicians, people that are into art, design and technology. It’s full of projects that are fund by the direct support of people like you and me.

The website leaves the creator with complete responsibility for his or her project. It’s a platform and a resource; they aren’t involved with the development of the projects themselves.

So how does it work?
If you have a creative idea, you post it on the website of Kickstarter. You set yourself a goal and deadline. If people like your project, they can donate their money to your project.

But there is a catch! It’s all or nothing… Your project needs to be totally funded by the deadline; otherwise you’ll get nothing. Overall 44% of the projects have reached their funding goals.

An important aspect is that the creators keep 100% ownership over their work. People that support a project just help the idea come to life. They don’t profit from it financially. But creators sometimes give the big donors some advantages. Big donors of a film project for example might get into the premier or get a private screening.

Kickstarter is a for-profit organization and they are based in The Lower East Side of New York City. They get the money to work with from the successfully funded projects. If a project was totally funded, they get 5% fee to the funds collected.

And I would like to end my blog with some interesting facts:
-       10% of the movies at Sundance were Kickstarter-funded.
-       Stanford teaches Kickstarter for class credit.
-       Thanks to Kickstarter some Kentucky sixth graders send a camera to space.
-       In 2012 a total of $ 274,391,721 was collected.

So is definitely worth a visit!

See you next week!


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