So we've come to the end. Today I will be posting my final blog.
I would like to thank you all for reading my blog, so let's start with the last one.
Today, I will be talking about 3 trends that will be very important for the rest of

The first one is channel convergence. The marketing world is flooded with channels.
With all these channels, opportunities to engage with customers and prospects have
increased. Marketers use communication channels, marketing channels, advertising
channels, and more. The experts say that this will continue to grow and evolve. So it's
important for marketers to align their strategy with the different channels and listen to
their customers for feedback.

Second trend is customer experience. According to the marketing expert Sweetwoord,
the customer is always going to be a trend. There will never be a year where
something about the customers and marketing isn't important. But experts see a shift
in marketing, marketers start focusing on customer experience. When using this
trend, it's important to look at all the points of the customers experiences. Important
questions to ask yourself are: How do they react? How do they exchange information?
When do they engage?

The last trend that I will be discussing is the analytics.
In the other two trends we needed to look at the customers behaviour, but how do
you get an answer to all your question? Well simply by using analytics. The use
and importance of analytics as a part of the marketing strategy is a growing trend.
Analytics can empower organisations to understand the customer’s behaviours,
interpret engagement strategies, improve customer experiences, with the ultimate
goal: better results for the organisation.

So these were the most important trends for the rest of this year.
I hope you liked it!

Bye Lisa

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