Good day everyone, I am back with an update of my blog about creativity – innovation – trends. Today I am going to tell you about something “out of the box”. Literally and figuratively.  Have you guys also noticed some billboards that are rather unusual? Well, I surely do and that is the subject that I am going to talk about today; “unusual billboards”.

More and more companies are using these kind of billboards to get the attention of people and this really works. When I am driving with my car and I see this kind of billboard, it really draws my attention. I have to be careful that I don’t accidentally cause any problems on the road because I can’t stop looking at it. ;-)

When the billboards are creative and people are talking about it, you create a sort of buzz marketing for your company. The best way to create awareness is to use mouth-to-mouth advertising and by using a spectacular billboard, you will definitely have a positive mouth-to-mouth advertising. However, this is rather difficult… if your billboard isn’t that creative and people don’t like it, it will work against you. You will get negative reactions so these unusual billboards are a bit tricky to use. I have put a couple of pictures in this blog so that you can see what creative billboards are.

I am a huge fan of this kind of advertising because it is totally different than the basic advertising. Marketers won’t stop looking for new kinds of advertising and I am really excited to see what advertising will be in the next 10 or 15 years.

Well, thank you for reading my blog. Feel free to comment and let me know if you are also a fan of creative advertising!

- Niels

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