Hello everyone!

Today I am going to talk about Google’s newest invention and it is called Google Glass. Because I have to give a presentation on this innovative product within two weeks, it seemed nice to write a blog about it.

Most of us will probably heard about Google Glass but for those who don’t know what I am talking about, I will explain it. It is still in the testing phase so these glasses aren’t on the market yet.

Google Glass is a portable computer with a head-mounted display that is currently being developed by Google. A head-mounted display is a display screen worn on the head. It can be built in the form of glasses or in a helmet. In this case of Google, it is built in the form of glasses. Google Glass displays information such as a smartphone but hands free. An user can operate the device with his voice or a touch pad on the side of the device. With these glasses you can do everything: take pictures, record a small movie, use Google maps, Skype and lots of other stuff. You can see a picture of the glasses down below.

Currently there are no glasses added to the device but Google is considering partnering with manufacturers like Ray-Ban or Warby Parker and might also open stores where customers can try out this new invention.

I asked my friends what their thoughts were about this product and if they would buy/wear it. Most of them said it looked quite ridiculous and that they would not wear it. But if they had the opportunity, they would definitely try it out.

However, I believe this is a product for the future. Maybe within 10-15 years, everyone will walk around with the Google Glass. What do you think about this? Don’t be afraid to comment and share your thoughts with us about this product!

Oh and before I end this, I also posted a video, feel free to watch it.


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