Blog 6: QR Codes

Hello bloggers!

A while ago, my brother was looking for a new car. They visited many and many garages but one garage did something very unique. The owners of the garage put a QR code on the car and people could scan that code with their smartphones to get more information about the car. There was one big advantage linked to that strategy of using a QR code: when the owner was busy helping other clients, you could immediately get some information about the car instead of waiting for the owner.

And that’s why I wanted to write something about QR Coding for my blog because people are getting more and more creative with this kind of technology.

I think probably everyone knows what QR coding is nowadays but for those who don’t know what I am talking about, I will explain it. QR codes are a fast way of getting information to customers. Those QR codes are square bar codes that can be scanned with a smartphone and then you will get information on your screen of your mobile. That can be contact information, maybe some publicity or just a regular website.

As I mentioned earlier, people are getting more and more creative with QR Coding. Over the past year, businesses have slapped QR codes on their business cards, billboards, on stones in the road, … Anywhere consumers can utilize mobile devices to get product information. But there is something more interesting than standard QR Codes… Called branded dial code!

Branded dial codes are QR codes that consumers can access with a keypad and those codes are gaining in popularity very fast. More companies are using this as a way to increase their audience they want to reach. And how is that possible you think? Well, not everyone has a camera on their phone but everyone has a keypad, that’s why.

As you can see, I’ve put a couple of pictures in my blog of QR Codes on creative places. Please, feel free to comment and I will see you next time!


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