Hello bloggers! Today, I would like to talk about buzz marketing.
Before I start, I will give you a bit more explanation on the subject, of course. Buzz marketing is the interaction of customers, which serves to amplify the original marketing message. The intention of buzz is to provide a vague but positive association, excitement and something fascinating about a product or service. The goal is to create positive buzz in order that people start talking about your company spontaneous. I will clarify this theory with a few examples later on.

Buzz marketing is one of the things I really like about marketing. It is a type of advertising that all the business should consider taking it in their marketing campaign. In order to use buzz marketing, there is one thing you should know and that is: BE CREATIVE.  When you are creative, it really makes people curious and when people are curious, your company gets a lot of publicity. Often without spending a lot of money.

I found a very interesting quote that is appropriate for this blog: “Buzz marketing is like succeeding in Hollywood: every actor wants to do it, only a few succeed.” If I translate this, it means: every company is trying to use buzz marketing but only a few will succeed and get positive buzz about his product or service. And that is true! It is very difficult to create the perfect buzz for your company, there are a lot of things that can go wrong. Because you have no control what the people will think about your campaign.

The examples I am going to discuss here are simple yet creative.
The first example happened months ago. They were building a new supermarket in the neighborhood. The renovations were almost finished and the store was hanging a large white sign on their building. The first week there was just a white sign but two weeks later, the first sentence appeared on the sign: “Competitors, beware…”. That was the moment when the buzz started. People were asking themselves what the other sentence could be… It was a huge success. Oh before I forget, the other sentence was: “We are now the cheapest!”

An other example is Guerilla marketing that creates a buzz for companies. You can see a couple of examples on the photos that I have posted.

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