Good day blog-followers, this week goes about a creative and innovative product.

A couple of days ago, I saw something extraordinary on the web. I was checking Facebook and all of a sudden, there was a picture of an umbrella on the Facebook page ‘Art&Design’ and it looked funny.

So I have a question for you guys, do you also get tired when your umbrella breaks by a violent gust of wind? I surely do! Well, apparently there exists a solution for that, the umbrella from Nubrella. I didn’t know that and I’m sure that a lot of you also didn’t know this. The umbrella looks like a helmet but bigger. It covers your entire upper body and there is one big advantage of this umbrella, you don’t have use your hands! I put a few pictures with this blog so all of you can see what the umbrella looks like.

The product comes with a lot of advantages. The first and the most important one I think, is that your umbrella can’t break anymore when there is a lot of wind. Because of the fact that you don’t have to use your hands, you can easily use your phone or ride your bike!

I went to the website of Nubrella and apparently they already sold their umbrellas in over 66 countries. I hope they soon will be available in the shops here in Belgium. If you would like more information about this product, just go to the website

- Niels

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