Hello everyone!

As you all know our world is rapidly evolving into a world where technology is everywhere. Together with this evolution, the rise of video games has come.
Video games also need marketing. It’s the same as traditional marketing, but also very different. It’s harder than traditional marketing but on the other hand also easier. This all my sound confusing now so I’ll explain in detail.

You see, advertising for a game is very pure. Most of the time, it’s footage of the game. There are only a few markets where people genuinely get excited just seeing your product. However, they will not always be excited. If you’re a small game developer it is really hard for you to get noticed in this very saturated market. So, how do you stand out?

There’s a couple of things you can do. First, get good reviews that you can show on your website. Admitted, you need a solid game for that but it’s one of the fastest ways to get known for games . Secondly, make sure people can follow you on facebook, twitter and other social networks and there’s a reason for it!

3rd, a public beta test is really useful to have. First of all, people can test your game out and you might convince some customers. Secondly, they will test your game and find potential bugs, glitches or exploits. Third, the people that were already buying your game will be so excited and thankful!

This brings me to the next point: listen your customers, your fan base and interact with them. We see this a lot in the gaming industry today but not enough. Staying close with your customers and trying to make changes on your game based upon what they tell you is a fast track to success. You got to watch out that you’ll listen to the smart constructive criticism only though, since there are a lot of whiners on forums.

Last tip is actually a don’t. Don’t promise things you can’t fulfil. Gamers are a very loyal group of customers and when they have been lied to, it might be possible that they will never ever buy a game from you again. This is more true for the gaming industry than any else, in my opinion.

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