My own gym!

Hello everyone, it’s Vince again and today I want to talk to you about something quite personal.
In the near future, I’d like to set up my own gym. Of course this is a big risk for me and I will have to be smart to launch it successfully. In this blog, I want to talk about the things I’m planning to do marketing wise and in the same time, point out the blunders some other gyms make.

I know a lot of you are thinking that the time for your own, local gym is over but I’m convinced it is not. You just have to be smart. I want to position myself very differently from other gyms. Most gyms are very commercialized. They are catering to the big audiences with lots of fancy machines, cardio equipment, Zumba, etc.

What I want to do is the opposite. I want a gym created without all these extras. I want to go to the core essentials of what a good gym is. By doing this, I can be cheaper than commercial gyms while still being high quality for the people that want to train well.

What’s also very important to get people to try out your gym is a free pass. Most gyms in Belgium don’t have one. They immediately want to see cash whenever you want to try out. Some gyms have a one day pass. This is a step in the right direction but not enough. I want to give people the whole week to come try out. Most people train in a split (chest/triceps on a day, back/biceps on another and legs on another). I want to give them the chest to test all aspects of the gym and evaluating for themselves if it’s good or not. A week pass allows this.

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