Hey guys!

Remember how I talked about opening my own gym a few days ago. Well, I came up with more ideas!
For those of you who have been to a gym before, you will often hear that you can’t bring your own drinks, even if it’s water. Furthermore, there is no drinking fountain so the only option is to buy your drinks there, or be very thirsty.
I understand gym owners do this to have more profit but it’s very bad marketing in my opinion. In my gym, you would be able to drink water, and I’ll have a drinking fountain. I think having something like that really adds extra value. Consumers will appreciate it.

Another thing that really annoys me in gyms is the lack of music variation. It’s either pop music radio channels, or generic dance music. In my gym, I’d play all kinds of music. Metal, trance, rock. Even the ones I don’t like like hip hop would get played. I want to have everyone saying that their favorite song got played. I think this a great thing for any gym to do, and bonds with customers.

Being active on social media like facebook is important as we all know. Most small gym owners barely realize this. Currently I’m in a gym where the owner does. He posts a lot of pictures of the people that train there and let them have a chance to shine. The owner is very close to most people.

On the other hand, when a newcomer comes in, he gives ‘advice’ for barely 2 minutes. He directs them from one abundant machine to the other. You just see he has no real interest in helping you.
This is something I would do a lot differently. Yes, it takes a lot of time to learn someone something like a squat but I like teaching people and I think a gym is so much better with an owner like this.

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