Hey guys

This will (hopefully) be the last installment of this little series about gym. It’s just that I’m full of ideas at the moment and I need to vent them.

When you enter a gym, how often do you see the same generic look? I bet you often do. I want my clients to come in and say wow. I want to give them an experience they have never had before. This is really important to me as I want to differentiate myself from commercial gyms.

When a new trainee comes in I want them to see a different gym. One where things happen. Where s*** gets done, as they say.

There will be loud music playing, motivating everyone in the area. Everyone is grinding away, giving the best of themselves. When they look around, they see pictures and posters on the wall with successful people in the fitness industry. Professional bodybuilders, world class powerlifters but also fitness models will all be featured.

When they look up, they will see a TV. Not a TV that’s on Vitaya playing shows that make your testosterone levels drop 5 miles but videos of people training very hard. This works motivating.
People in my gym will WANT to come. They WANT to bust their ass and strive to be the very best they can be. And I will be there to guide them. That’s an experience you don’t find anywhere else. That’s experience marketing for gyms. If you want a snip of what I want my gym too like, here it is:

Very unconventional right?

Another thing. A great way to attract new customers is to have competitions where people who don’t train yet can win a free subscription. Often, gyms hand these out to trainees who have been there longer. While that is nice, sometimes you have to do it this way to attract new clients.

One final thing before I wrap up this blog. Another idea of mine is to sometimes randomly have day where people can get a free shake or something. It’s little gestures like this that makes clients feel wanted. Whenever they think about my gym, they’ll always have a positive attitude towards me.

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