This is Vince and today I’m bringing you your weekly dose of marketing food. Last entry, I talked about the necessity of creativity in marketing. Today, I will be talking about shock marketing.
Shock marketing or shockvertising is a type of advertising that wants to catch people’s attention by using blunt graphic imagery or slogans. It is often used for fields that normally don’t get a lot of attention.
An example of this is cosmetics. Everyone knows animals get used to test cosmetics on. A lot of people have pity for these animals but how many actually do something about it? I can assure you, almost no one does anything about it. We don’t get confronted enough. Shocking ads can have an impact here and are definitely the way to go.

Here you can see a girl using a little dog to spray perfume. Of course, there is no bottle like that but the meaning is that you actually abuse dogs when you use perfume. Most people will think about what they’re doing when they see an ad like this.
Another one I found is a different kind of shock. It doesn’t try to startle you but wants to have a very emotional impact on you. People remember ads like these. They might not even see them as ads but as something more, something real. I’ll show you what I mean.

This ad makes me think about my life and what I care about. It makes people think and be happy with what they have. I bet most people watched this video, thought about their loved ones and said to them, him, her, whatever that they love them. At least that’s what I did. That’s shock marketing.

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