Before I start my blog I should say you something. This is unfortunately my last blog.. But at the end of my blog follow extensive acknowledgments!

Today I’m going to talk about in-game advertising. I’m sure a lot off you has seen these, knowingly or unknowingly. The earliest ‘real’ in-game advertisement dates from 1991, when a spot for Penguin Biscuits was shown in ‘James Pond 2’.
Today, in-game advertising can integrate either trough a display in the game or during the pause while a gaming is loading. Unfortunately, you don’t see the last one very often.

A big advantage of in-game advertising, is the fact that people will eventually see your commercial or billboard. Normally you aren’t texting while playing a game, you the chance of missing it is small.

Until today, more than $ 1 billion has been spend on in-game advertising. I’m sure that in the future, this will only increase. People already can fast forward commercials, so companies will search for other ways to promote their product. 
Static or Dynamic

The static advertisements are fixed integrated in the game, like you can see on the picture. Negative about this, is the fact that the creature can’t change anything about it once the game is set for sale 
The second one is dynamic. You’ll mostly find this kind of advertisements in online games, because they will often change.

So I think online gaming will be the best way to promote your product as a future marketer. So remember this good!

Now I would like to start my acknowledgments..

I want each of you to thank personally for these wonderful eight weeks! You were so great by week after week to read my blogs and comment them! I hope in the future, that I can visit your own blog! Until then, dear marketers!


Hello Bloggers!

We all know the problem. We want to work out, and go to a sports hall. First, we already need to know a sports center in which there is a special hall for your sport that you want to practice. Once you start to play in that hall, you get enormously confused by the countless lines on the ground.

If you want to tackle this problem as a sports center, you have several separate halls required for each sport. But for this problem there’s now a solution. I would now like to introduce you a new innovative product, the LEDCOURT !

The concept is quite simple. You just need one sports hall and the newly invented sport floor based on LED lighting, the LEDCOURT. And when you switch the button, you can play different sports, very clearly, in just one room.
In the Netherlands the idea already won an award at the national sports innovation prize. For the practice of sport with visually impaired people, the Pulastic LEDCOURT offers unprecedented opportunities. Because the lines are more clearly now. So I think we can all agree that this invention can change the world of sports completely. 

I really love this idea, I’m really looking forward to play in a gym with this floor. I think that this invention can mean a big change. 

Let us hope that this product sells well! Then we might see each other  within this and a few years playing sports on a LEDCOURT - floor. 

I hope to welcome you next week again on my website for my latest blog! I would already like to thank everyone for the massive positive response!

I'll see you next week!

Who thought that being weird and unrealistic would become the new marketing trend?

Today, things are getting more and more weird in the advertising world. If you're no longer crazy or unrealistic, you'll disappear in commercials. Somehow the shock of someone being surprisingly weird has turned comical. I think, in the next five years, we will see almost only of these ads in on the screen.

I believe that some advertising agencies no longer find real tactics, so they throw it on a completely different tack. If you’re able of doing crazy things, you’ll have a bigger inspiration. Let's hope that this will also provide advertising tactics. Attracting attention will be no problem, I think, but will it therefore sell more... The future will tell. Some companies even go that far, that they start to scare the consumers. Sometimes they create fuss just for the commercials to obtain the attention of the consumers...

The problem is that the big marketing advertisers have made these crazy commercials, so the smaller advertisers will have follow in their footsteps. Thanks to this theory we can therefore assume that we're stuck with this for several years. Hold on tight to the branches of the trees, because there’s still a lot that will follow. Who knows what crazy people or unrealistic moments we will see when we watch television.

In fairness I must admit that I can’t find myself in this type of ‘commercials’. It can be sometimes very funny and certainly attracts a lot of attention indeed, but on the other hand it’s going beyond boundaries.  

In this blog, we have seen (again) a change in the marketing world, watch out for the next change…


Hello Bloggers!

As promised, I am back with a new blog! Some companies do not hesitate to get a new stunt, that’s of course nothing new. Today almost everything can be discussed in the media, I do not have to tell you.

Still startled me anyway just by seeing the new promotional stunt by the major manufacturer Ikea. In some papers you can find a coupon for a free cot. Inside, I didn’t find a special event, but when I saw the condition that free cot saw. Those who pick up the free bed must provide proof that they have had a baby on November 14, 2013. A very funny valentines campaign shows, because when we go back nine months of November 14, we arrive at .. February 14! About a nice incentive for couples spoken!

Marketing does not stand still. For every occasion they'll find a new, more special stunt. The craziest first! Never had I thought that advertising could turn people to such things! However, I would like to know how many couples have allowed themselves to be seduced by this attractive promotion. Ikea is of course known for its special promotions, but this one went above my head and shoulders ! I wonder if there would be an extra gift for those who would have done it in an Ikea bed?

Perhaps there were also aphrodisiac meals on the menu in the restaurants Ikea 14 February?

So, I think I’ve now shown you an great example of innovation within marketing.
We’re all looking forward to the emergence for the free cots on November 14!

I'll keep you posted!


Hello everybody, here I am again with a new marketing blog! This week, I’ll talk about a change in the marketing of various companies. Who thought that the environment and climate were a good way to advertise your company well.

It's been a long time coming but now it starts to come up to the market, the fight against the false green companies. These companies will now have to make an effort for the environment or the consequences can be very serious for them. A number of organizations like TerraChoise Group, GreenPeace and Greenwashing Index, have started to vet companies that advertise their green efforts. These organizations make their results publicly known. The implications of these results for some companies sometimes severe, is the kiss of death. The end of “green washing” is near.

Nowadays we can see a difference in marketing in the field of advertising by companies about their green efforts. Companies have become much more careful with their statements about their "green" efforts that they delivered. On the other hand, we also see that companies that are actually environmentally friendly, just publish more about it. More and more companies are discovering that it’s better to approach those issues honestly and make real efforts than to fool the public.

So dear readers, let this be a lesson or warning for those business managers and marketers. I hope that with this blog I can get the interest of you readers and that you join me in looking forward to my next blog, which will soon be published.


Dear readers, first of all I want to thank all the loyal followers of my blog. It’s thanks to you that I have extra motivation to write a new blog!

This third blog will be about what experts "the most important marketing trend of 2013" call: DESIGN.

Design matters, because design sells. When we think about Apple, Nike,, ..., théy already know it. But still not every company does. Apple for example, they actually carry very few products. But it’s the design that powers its value. The website of Nike has such a beautiful design, with videos and ads and so on.

We can conclude that it’s not only the design of the products, but also the design of the website that makes the difference. When you have a successful company in 2013, you need a stunning website. Only then you will get visitors who will buy online products. For that reason, focus on great design for all of your internet marketing in 2013!

Responsive web design (RWD) are all the actions and tools that the sellers provide on the website, to offer the consumer the best possible user experience.
With lots of designer community sites, we’ve seen the design community grow with giant leaps.

So, when you want to stand out in 2013, strengthen your resources to get your website design up-to-date !

I hope this blog has given you a good advice for your website. I am someone who appreciates a very good web design, so if there are readers who have their own website,… Let me know!

In the YouTube video you can see a good talk show with great tips regarding web design.



Hello everyone,

We have found a new hype after the Gangnam Style! Over the last few weeks, a lot of videos have been released on the internet. Those videos were always based on the same thing. The Harlem Shake!

In these videos you can see one random person dancing in a quit, slow way to the intro of the Harlem Shake. Then, as the song proceeds, you can see everybody going crazy and dancing very wild. From its origin, the dance is a drunken shake, it's an alcoholic shake.

The song “The Harlem Shake”, recorded by American DJ and producer Baauer, which exists for more than a year, wasn’t a great success until now. These days, the videos have become so popular in a very short time, that it became a real internet sensation. Where the hype began exactly, isn’t know by anyone. But from there, it seems an unstoppable spread of it. In two weeks, around 20 000 Harlem Shake videos have been uploaded and had about 100 million views. Every day, around 3 000 new videos are being released.

Nobody knows how far this trend will go, but we cannot deny that it’s a real internet sensation at the moment. One single video will not have as many hits as the Gangnam Style on YouTube.

Meanwhile, there are already a lot of versions and parodies of the Harlem Shake. Lots of (famous) people have been tempted to do so, and made themselfs a short clip. In Belgium, Tom Boonen and his Omega Pharma Quick-Step team and the youngsters of football team Anderlecht have already released their version.

To be honest, I'm not that fond of, but there might be some of you who read this blog, who will now be even more tempted to have this dance.

Many shake-fun!


Hello everyone, I’m Anthony De Wolf and I will post you every week some new interesting examples about marketing and advertising. I will start with a blog about sponsoring cycling, the advantages and disadvantages. 

This week, I was one of the thousand spectators at the start of the “Omloop het Nieuwsblad” at the St. Peter’s Square in Ghent. My first reaction was: cycling is a real hype here in Belgium, so each time, it’s a great event to advertise! It was the first big race here in Europe this season, so it was very important for the new sponsors to make a lot of publicity. Every cycling team is trying to promote themselves by their entourage. Status is very important in cycling, so every team would like to show their best materials (bikes, team busses, riders,...). Those intentions of the teams were very clear when you looked around.

Also the organizing sponsor did their best to make a lot of advertising. They distributed a lot of gadgets. So there were “Flandrien”-sausages , newspapers and a lot of other gadgets. There were also a lot of games where you could win prizes. With those games, the interaction with the sponsor was guaranteed and people were introduced to the brand and its products. Sponsoring has a very good return in Belgium because of its popularity.

Unfortunately, cycling is not always a good way to do sponsoring. When your team has to deal with scandals such as doping or just poor performance of the riders, the company will naturally get bad publicity. In the past there have been many sponsors dropped out because of that reason. 

So, this was my first blog and I hope you will be curious so you will come back next week and read my second blog.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!