This blog is all about new and creative ways to advertise. And today we have found an advertising strategy that shoots the ball out of the park.

Flogos will give a whole new meaning to the quote ‘Is it a bird, is it a plane?’

So what are Flogos? They are foamy logos made from a mixture of water, soap and air that are launched into the air. A Flogo machine can make a Flogo every 15 seconds. So in no time the air can be filled with your brand.

The good thing about Flogos is that they aren’t harmful to the environment. They can fly up to 48 kilometres. And can reach a height of 6 kilometres. The specialists of the Flogo-team make sure that the target group of your choice will see your brand.

The Flogo-concept is slowly making its way into the advertising world. It was already used by some important and big brands like EA, Apple, Walt Disney World, Nintendo,…

But here in the BENELUX it’s a rather unknown concept so there’s a big opportunity to amaze your customers.

And there is more! Flogos were always white but since no so long ago, they are also available in different colours, to make your logo pop even more in the air.

So this was my blog for this week,

Make sure to check out the pictures below!


Hi everyone, this week I will be talking about city marketing!

Why? Well first of all, I believe that tourism in a city is a good thing.

In times like these, where the financial crisis has become a major part of people’s daily life, it’s hard for cities to attract tourists. But if they do, the local community can be reinforced and people can have social and financial advantages. Because tourism creates work.

So what is city marketing?
Briefly said: Selling the city. Not only to tourists, a city can be sold to a lot of other people as well.

First of all you have the tourists. You need to make them fall in love with your city. Make sure that they have a good experience and that they go back home with a satisfied feeling.
When they enjoy their trip, they will tell their friends and family about it, make pictures and post them on social media. This way your city will get more and more known by a wider variety of people.

Secondly the residents that already live in the city. City marketing needs to make them fall in love again with the city that they call, home. The residents need to feel that their city takes care of them.

When you ‘re a big city, you can attract businesses by using city marketing. If your city becomes popular with business owners, this is also good for your local economy. Unemployment rates will go down and the consummation rates hopefully will go up.
To attract businesses and tourists, it’s important that you have a good basic infrastructure so that people for instance can easily get to work by metro or train.

Have welcoming inhabitants is also a good tip; make sure that your inhabitants are on board with your city marketing strategies. And last but not least try to renovate and renew gloomy neighbourhoods, so that the overall look of your city is better.

That was it for this week!
Hope you liked reading my blog and feel free to comment down below.
