Hello Bloggers!

My First post on the blog is about social media marketing; more specifically “twitter marketing”. One of the most famous examples of an excellent twitter campaign is the “Special K Tweet shop of Kellogg’s”. Kellogg’s opened a new pop-up store in the heart of London to promote the K Cracker Crisps, their newest product.

Normally we see that brands are giving free samples of their products on the streets. Not only to show their new products but also to create lots of publicity.

But instead of giving away free samples on the streets of London, Kellogg’s launched something completely new, called “social currency”. People could collect a sample of their newest product for the price of a tweet. So, people received a free sample of the Special K Crackers if they posted that they were at the new pop-up store of Kellogg’s and that they were tasting free samples. 

In the pop-up store, there were even tablets available for those who didn’t have a Smartphone.

Social currency or paying with a tweet is quiet unique, but is strongly related to what experts call “guerilla marketing”. The biggest advantage of this marketing technique is that it creates lots of publicity with a small amount of money.

Another big difference compared with giving samples on the street, is the effectiveness of the campaign. When you’re giving free samples on the streets, the campaign is only effective in that particular city or country.

But when you’re using social media, the messages are spread all over the world. Everyone (for instance: a Japanese guy) who’s following Kellogg’s on twitter will see all those messages, which results in more brand awareness and higher sales figures all over the world.

Thanks for reading my blog!
