Hello bloggers!

Last week I was on a holiday, but this week I’m back to talk about a new business trend. During my holiday I read “Entrepreneurs”, a magazine published by Voka Belgium. In their publication of March the 29th there was an article about an advanced “Timetracking system”.

“Time is money” is a very famous quote among business men. There are many apps available by which you can register your working hours, but “Hourstracker” is the most famous one. Hourstracker is very simple to use. Once you’ve installed the app on your Apple-device, you can input the data for instance: Type of job or project. When you start working (for instance 9 a.m.) , you have to tap on the time-clock, which is integrated in the app. In the evening, when the work is finished, you have to tap again  on the time-clock. The next day, the tap-process starts again.

The most important advantage of this timetracking system is that this app registers the hours that you’ve worked but also the money that you’ve earned during this period or for this specific job, because of the app’s “price integration”.

Another advantage is that you can easily generate sales reports, by which you can see what you’ve earned daily, weekly or monthly. You can watch  this reports on your smartphone (with the app), but you can also export this data to a datasheet (for instance: Excell).  Managers even have the possibility to mail or import the data to their accounting system.

The app is a very flexible tool, because managers can create their own tags and filters, so they can view specific data.

Hourstracker allows you to turn back time and also to add comments, by which you can see the time that you’ve spend on a specific activity of a project. When you’re afraid that you’ll lose the data, the app offers a cloud service. This cloud service ensures that your data are saved on an external server.

At this time you can download the app for free, but for the cloud service you have to pay a subscription. Right now only apple-devices can download this app, but normally android provides comparable tools (for instance: “Time Tracker” and “Job Tracker”). 

Thanks for reading my blog, and I’d like to entertain you next week, with another marketing trend.
