Hello bloggers!

This week I’m going to talk about another marketing trend, called “Integrated marketing communication” or IMC. These days there is a raising importance of IMC in companies. Why? 

Because companies have to show consistency in their communication, so consumers will recognize them faster en relate the communication to their brand or products.

In business communication you have 2 possibilities, the classical approach and the contemporary approach. The classical approach isn’t such an efficient way of communication, because several departments of a company aren’t working together. In other words the different departments haven’t a mutual goal.

For instance:
- Marketing department
- Production
- Customer service
- Sales
- …

The contemporary approach is what experts call “IMC”. Integrated marketing communication is the integration of several aspects of the marketing and communication mix. This means that there is an 360° approach because all the departments of a company are working together. The 360° approach is very important, especially for marketing campaigns. Marketing campaigns have to show interaction and synergy. All marketing tools must match, like I’ve already they have to show synergy. Secondly they should reinforce each other (interaction).

Normally in marketing you have above-the-line communication and below the line communication. Above-the-line communication, also called “one to many”, is more focused on advertising, radio, television, billboards,… .  Below-the-line communication, also called “one to one”, is a more personal way of communication for instance: direct mail, e-mail, newsletters,… .   

According to experts, IMC is what they call “through-the-line communication”. Because you’re combining the 2 previous methods, but with a certain consistency and synergy.

Unfortunately IMC is very difficult, so it’s better to recruit an communication manager who controls everything. The communication manager has to control if the several departments of company are working together. Because inconsistency in marketing campaigns is very confusing and ineffective.

Another important thing in IMC is that a company has to integrate and maintain their corporate communication. Corporate communication is communication about the strategy of a company and is strongly related to the company’s culture and structure. Why is this important? Well, right now companies are doing amazing efforts on “Corporate Social Responsibility”. But there aren’t’ many companies who are communicating these efforts with their stakeholders. However this is very important to improve their image.

When you’re prepared to integrate corporate communication, don’t forget to brief your employees, because they create the image of the company. There has to be a good internal communication and very important, try to avoid a gap between internal and external communication.

You can’t neglect the importance of a company’s image, because in some cases consumers are buying an image and not just a product. For instance: Coca-Cola vs. River Cola.

Unfortunately a company can’t change their marketing approach from one day to another, so there are 4 stages in IMC development:

- Tactical coordination of marketing communication
- Redefining the scope of marketing communication
- Application of IT
- Financial and strategy integration = IMC

We can conclude that IMC is the best method to avoid redundant and conflicting communications. Some good examples of IMC are ING, Rabobank, Vedett and BMW (Same look and feel, same colors,…). A good IMC-strategy is much more than communicating with your consumers. You should also take into account your stakeholders.
Unfortunately there are also some obstacles of implementing IMC, for instance:
- Too much specialization (no synergy)
-  Lack of communication
-  Ego
-  External communication agencies and their specialization

In order to avoid these obstacles it might be very clever to make an integrated communication plan. The plan consists 6 steps:
-  Situational analysis en marketing objectives?
-  Target? (Who)
- Communication objectives?
-  Means, techniques, channels and media?

 Measuring results?

Thanks for reading my blog, I hope you’ve enjoyed it. Next week I’ll entertain for the last time, with another marketing trend.


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