Hello bloggers!

Today I’ll talk about another marketing trend, called “LEAP commerce”. What is LEAP commerce? Well, Leap commerce is an application founded by some successful entrepreneurs and former employees of Facebook. The App has created a new way of mobile shopping, because people can shop in a virtual mal.

LEAP created partnerships with major retailers like Wal-Mart, Amazon…, which results in a product range of more than 110 million products.  So you don’t have to browse to a webshop, but you can just order and pay something on your Smartphone.

Another advantage is the fact that this App is more personalized. First of all, when you’re downloading the App on your Smartphone, users can identify what kind of shopper they are. An algorithm processes the personal information and suggests relevant products based on several factors. For instance: products based on personal style, price, brand preferences and location.

When you’re consulting the product catalog, you’ll see that the social layer is very important. Because products liked by your friends (on a social network) are on top of the list. There is also a possibility to share a product on Facebook for instance.

One of the biggest disadvantages of online webshops is the fact that you have to go from one website to another. With LEAP you can buy products of several websites in one transaction. But when you buy products of different suppliers they’ll still ship the products separately.

The word LEAP means: Loyalty, Engagement, Analytics and Payment. LEAP provides products of several suppliers, incorporates social media and enables dialogue. There are also several paying methods, for instance: Visa, PayPal, MasterCard…

Right now, LEAP is available on iOS and Android Smartphones.

Check out the video : http://vimeo.com/37543009 

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my blog! See you next week, with another marketing trend.



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